NICU Support RK Khan KZN

NICU Support Rk Khan Hospital Kwazulu Natal

RK Khan is a regional and district hospital with 543 beds. The hospital in located in Chatsworth, a suburb in the eThekwini health district.

RK Khan hospital serves the population of Chatsworth and surrounding area, Inner and Outer West, the boundaries commence from Yellowwood Park to Richmond.

A huge area to support and supplies are not always forthcoming..

We received a request, rather a please from the nursing staff in the Neonatal unit of the hospital that they were in desperate need of caps, blankets, socks and mitts for premature babies.  They do receive donations of blankets etc but these are for newborns and do not fit premature babies.  Caps fall over their eyes and the mitts and socks come off when the babies move.

In true Kindness Corporation fashion, when it involves children our hearts are always moved and we looked for ways to support this plea.  Sharon Horn, our seamstress extended her hand and she made up 25 sets for us which comprised, socks, mitts, caps and blankets all for premature babies!  Habby and Lace Vereeniging supplied the flannel fabric as cost price to us and the project was brought to fruition.

The parcel was couriered down to Nellie at the collection point which is a shop in the Glenwood Shopping Centre named One Stitch at a time.  No sooner had our parcel arrived and the unrest and looting happened in Durban and Glenwood Shopping Centre was looted.

We held our breath and Cynthia made a call to find out whether the donation had been stolen.  The reply was astounding ….

Yes, the shop was looted and equipment and stock stolen but two boxes remained untouched, our donation and a box from another donor.  In tact, not touched, just as it had arrived.

We have not words only that this donation carried a huge blessing …. Thank you, our donors for supporting us in all that we do and know that all we do, we do in kindness.

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