Easter Cracker Surprise

Our relationship with Community Hours has allowed us to channel the time and effort from their volunteers to bring much needed cheer to sometimes challenging environments.  We received notification from Sarah Welton-Blake that a group of learners from Saheti School Bedfordview had produced 144 Easter crackers for distribution just before the easter weekend.  Messages like these make our hearts sing!  Unexpected yet most welcome!

The boys from Saheti made arrangements for us to have an official handover of the crackers at their school- all very professional.  The team, made up of Dimitri Vakis, Giorgio Lambrakis, Michali Ioannides and Timon Papavarnavas, handed over the beautifully decorated crackers.  I asked how they achieved such attention to detail and the answer was simple- their sisters gave them some ideas.!! Thank you to the sisters!  Two communities benefitted here-the Grade 1 class of Megatong Primary School in Soweto and Roly Poly Shelter crèche managed by MES Hillbrow Johannesburg.  The expressions on the faces of the children receiving these crackers just says it all. 

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